
Modeling malaria using NetLogo

Posted on May 19, 2022 by Andrei Tan

DISCLAIMER: I am not an epidemiologist. This article was created as part of a school project.

Exported HTML file of the NetLogo model can be found here.


The model aims to address the following questions:

  1. How effective would a malaria vaccine be in reducing the mortality rate of malaria?
  2. How effective is anti-malarial medication in reducing the mortality rate of malaria?
  3. How effective would combining the measures under questions 1 and 2 be in reducing the mortality rate of malaria?

Properties of the Disease

Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium parasites. The severity and frequency of episodes depends on the species of Plasmodium present in the body. Fortunately, the disease is curable if diagnosed and treated early and properly. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], n.d.).

While the parasites causing the disease are transmitted primarily through bites from infected female Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria is not contagious, i.e., it cannot be spread through regular physical contact with infected individuals. Transmission from blood transfusions is possible but avoidable with proper screening (Owusu-Ofori, Parry, & Bates, 2010).

Typically, the incubation period varies from 7 to 30 days before the first symptoms appear (CDC, n.d.). This period also varies between species of Plasmodium (Brasil et al., 2011).

After the incubation period, the infected person will experience symptooms such as fever, headache, and chills (World Health Organization [WHO], 2022). In some cases, commonly from infection with P. falciparum, the disease may induce complications and progress to severe malaria, requiring urgent medical attention due to its high mortality rate. If untreated, symptoms and attacks may recur at intervals ranging from days to months to years (CDC, n.d.).

As of writing, the only approved malaria vaccine is RTS,S, also known as Mosquirix, and it was approved for children aged 6 weeks to 17 months (GlaxoSmithKline, 2015).

Setup of the Simulation

The model was developed with NetLogo (Wilensky, 1999).

For the sake of simplicity, the model and simulations involve a selection of rules, limitations, and assumptions. These, however, come at the cost of real-world accuracy.

Sliders allow for the adjusting of rates and probabilities of certain parameters in the simulation.





Given the aforementioned assumptions, the following scenarios were simulated: - No vaccinations and medication available - 25%/50%/75% of the population is vaccinated; no medication available - No vaccinations available; 25%/50%/75% medication available - Combinations of vaccination and medication (25%/50%/75%)

Each scenario was simulated 10 times via NetLogo’s BehaviorSpace tool.


The simulations yielded the following results:

Simulation results for each scenario involving varying percentages of vaccine coverage and medication availability.

Assuming no medication available, the number of infections and, in turn, deaths decreased as the vaccine coverage increased. At 75% coverage, the number of deaths were roughly half of those without vaccines. Though the vaccines reduced the number of susceptible human agents, those infected were doomed to die still.

Assuming no vaccine coverage, the number and duration of infections, and in turn the number of deaths decreased as medication availability increased, to greater effect than with vaccines alone. At 75%, deaths were almost nonexistent. In general, the deaths occurred only after the supply was exhausted, i.e., the number of immune agents plateaued.

Combining these measures, however, provided significantly more positive results as deaths were greatly reduced starting with only 25% vaccine coverage and 25% medication availability, outperforming 50% of each without the other. Effectiveness was still increased as these measures were increased accordingly, though improvements were arguably not cost-effective. Even at maximum coverage (75%/75%), one death happened, hinting that even small lapses can result in losses.

Key Insights

Based on the results from the simulations, it can be said that:

  1. A malaria vaccine would be effective in reducing the mortality rate of malaria.
  2. Anti-malarial medication would be effective in reducing the mortality rate of malaria.
  3. Combining the two aforementioned measures would be effective in reducing the mortality rate of malaria and would produce better results than focusing on one measure alone.

Of note, however, is that each scenario was simulated only once and more simulations are required to reinforce the results.


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